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Yay!! Welcome to Content Calibration!
After You're Enrollment, You will get access to all the bonuses so you can get started NOW.

Just one more question, do you love private support? 

Become a VIP GOLDMIND & Get private1:1 access to me DAILY (Monday - Saturday for the full month) through Voxer (a walkie talkie app) for in-your-pocket support and integration so you can get even quicker & faster results that last!

You are becoming a private client for the month at an insane rate! ($1500 value) 


Also receive a full 90 minute private coaching session with Shawna to use at anytime to support you in any area offer creation, content creation, high ticket business model creation, sales, somatics, human design and more! Normally this is a mix of all of the above. The call is catered to YOU and your needs. ($333 value) 


If you are not intersted in VIP and on a cell phone - scroll down to see general pricing!


VIP Bonuses Valued at $1833

*Only 5 VIP Upgrades Available, so don't wait!*


All Bonuses when becoming a
Valued at $4352!

If you choose to jump into becoming a VIP GOLDMIND, You can also schedule our private call anytime from now until the end of the challenge!

Your price: $1296

with payment plans available!

We Start Monday!

Total: $1296 One Time -preferred
$330 a week for 4 weeks. Total: $1320
Only $222 a week for 6 weeks. Total: $1332

Why is pay in full preferred?

Most of my clients pay in full so they can get it done and not have to think about it ever again!

But the choice is yours!


Peacock Feather _edited.png

Don't want VIP?

Choose your option below!

Total: $888 One Time! - preferred
$225 a week for 4 weeks. Total: $900
$155 a week for 6 weeks. Total: $930

Why is pay in full preferred?

Most of my clients pay in full so they can get it done and not have to think about it ever again!

But the choice is yours!


After you enroll: Screenshot & Send Me Payment Verification w/ E-mail & I'll Grant Your Access into the Bonuses Right Away!

Which one are you most excited for? I CAN'T WAIT.

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